Let us take cue from a question placed on our Facebook page following the publication of the time lapse video of the VIVO construction site. The question was: Seriously, do you still build underground parking spaces after all the climatic adversities of the past years??? Climatic adversities usually occur in areas where:

  • the under soil has a very low draining capacity thus not permitting the rain to be absorbed easily;
  • Low altitude and lack of draining systems that when present lack maintenance and have remnants of past inundations and are thus inefficient.
The area where the VIVO residential development is based and more generally the Ponzano Veneto and suburban area has never to man’s memory been subject to catastrophic climatic adversities, not even registered in historical archives; the under soil is gravelly (therefore highly permeable); it benefits from a favorable altimetry and has a discrete system as well as draining ditches and channels. Moreover, besides all these pluses, our buildings are designed and constructed under the best criteria and arrangements and today we can confirm that no problems have arisen. Claudio Crema

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